Parish Council Meetings are normally held at 6.30pm on the second Wednesday of the month in the Committee Room, Welshampton and Lyneal Parish Hall.

The Parish Council occasionally holds extraordinary meetings if necessary. For example, if the council is consulted on a planning application and  the time stipulated for response to Shropshire Council (31 days) does not allow them to be held over to the monthly Council meeting.

Agendas for all meetings are available on the website and are placed on notice boards around the Parish at least 3 clear days before the meeting.

The public and press are welcome to attend all meetings.  Members of the public are invited to address the Council for 15 minutes at the start of each meeting.  Please use this link to learn more about Public Participation Periods.


Future Meetings

2025 Meetings

Wednesday 12 March

Wednesday 10 April

Wednesday 14 May

Wednesday 11 June

Wednesday 9 July

Wednesday 13 August

Wednesday 10 September

Wednesday 8 October

Wednesday 12 November

Wednesday 10 December


The Annual Parish Meeting

The Annual Parish Meeting is a meeting of the Parish Electorate. It is not a Parish Council meeting although the Council will organise the meeting. It is the opportunity for the whole community to meet and discuss local issues.  The 2025 Annual Parish Meeting will take place on 9 April.

The agenda can be found through this link

The Draft Minutes can be found through this link.